Friday, May 29, 2020

Job Seekers MUST Understand the Difference Between Status and Brand

Job Seekers MUST Understand the Difference Between Status and Brand One of the biggest challenges Ive seen in the last nine years since Ive lost my job and communicated with thousands of job seekers is a misunderstanding of who they are.  Too often people think Im unemployed, and that label needs to be their brand.  For example, when I had a job, my introduction was: Im Jason Alba, the General Manager of this company. Then, when I lost my job, it changed to: Im Jason Alba, and Im. uh uh In transition?  Unemployed? However you say that new thing, let me suggest that it is said WRONG!!!  I know we are used to having a title, and a professional identity, but this new thing is not our title and it is not our professional identity! Heres a simple analogy to show you why: Lets say your neighbor is a master carpenter. Youve seen his work, and he is amazing.  You can say: My neighbor is a carpenter. But, what if your neighbor has all of his tools stolen, and he cant work until he buys new tools?  Is he still a carpenter? Or, what if your neighbor gets chicken pox or cooties, and cant work for at least a week.  Is he still a carpenter? YES, he is still a carpenter!!! His status is not working, for the moment.  I actually call this his temporary status.  But not working is not his brand**. Some people think that when they are in transition they are unemployed.  They dont understand that is a temporary status, and they begin to believe the lie that they are professionally unemployed. Please realize the difference between your brand (including skills, competencies, etc.) and your temporary status. With this information, you should network differently.  Are you an out of work product manager?  Break that down to status (out of work) and brand (product manager).  You dont have to wear the out of work like its a badge of honor or a badge of shame.  Its simply a temporary status. Now, go out and communicate better, and more accurately, with your network! ** I use the word brand loosely here, since I dont think a job title is a good way to brand but for the purpose of this article, its good enough. Job Seekers MUST Understand the Difference Between Status and Brand One of the biggest challenges Ive seen in the last nine years since Ive lost my job and communicated with thousands of job seekers is a misunderstanding of who they are.  Too often people think Im unemployed, and that label needs to be their brand.  For example, when I had a job, my introduction was: Im Jason Alba, the General Manager of this company. Then, when I lost my job, it changed to: Im Jason Alba, and Im. uh uh In transition?  Unemployed? However you say that new thing, let me suggest that it is said WRONG!!!  I know we are used to having a title, and a professional identity, but this new thing is not our title and it is not our professional identity! Heres a simple analogy to show you why: Lets say your neighbor is a master carpenter. Youve seen his work, and he is amazing.  You can say: My neighbor is a carpenter. But, what if your neighbor has all of his tools stolen, and he cant work until he buys new tools?  Is he still a carpenter? Or, what if your neighbor gets chicken pox or cooties, and cant work for at least a week.  Is he still a carpenter? YES, he is still a carpenter!!! His status is not working, for the moment.  I actually call this his temporary status.  But not working is not his brand**. Some people think that when they are in transition they are unemployed.  They dont understand that is a temporary status, and they begin to believe the lie that they are professionally unemployed. Please realize the difference between your brand (including skills, competencies, etc.) and your temporary status. With this information, you should network differently.  Are you an out of work product manager?  Break that down to status (out of work) and brand (product manager).  You dont have to wear the out of work like its a badge of honor or a badge of shame.  Its simply a temporary status. Now, go out and communicate better, and more accurately, with your network! ** I use the word brand loosely here, since I dont think a job title is a good way to brand but for the purpose of this article, its good enough.

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